Iran Exports Technical and Engineering Services to Afghanistan

Iran Exports Technical and Engineering Services to Afghanistan

Afghanistan also expressed its willingness for receiving different TSML services and to establish and equip research laboratory in the fields of geotechnics, soil and stone mechanics, cement, concrete, strength of materials, bitumen and asphalt and materials used in the construction of roads and railways, as well as receiving technical and laboratory engineering services for projects and infrastructure in Afghanistan.

متن کامل خبر در سایت پایگاه خبری وزرات راه و شهرسازی

    منبع خبر

    پایگاه خبری وزرات راه و شهرسازی

    پایگاه خبری وزرات راه و شهرسازی

    پایگاه خبری وزرات راه و شهرسازی یک رسانه در شهر تهران می باشد
