Trilateral road transport meeting between Iran, Azerbaijan and Russia held

Trilateral road transport meeting between Iran, Azerbaijan and Russia held

This tripartite field visit initiative showed that Iran, Azerbaijan, and Russia are committed to strengthening relations and increasing regional cooperation for the common interests of all parties within the framework of the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC) , he said.

متن کامل خبر در سایت پایگاه خبری وزرات راه و شهرسازی

    منبع خبر

    پایگاه خبری وزرات راه و شهرسازی

    پایگاه خبری وزرات راه و شهرسازی

    پایگاه خبری وزرات راه و شهرسازی یک رسانه در شهر تهران می باشد
